
Frontier STEM Academy is an academic high school designed to provide rigorous and hands-on learning opportunities with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Some of the unique learning opportunities include project-based learning, innovative makerspaces, collaborative spaces, first option in Ben Barber courses and STEM internship opportunities with industry partners.

Current 8th Graders:

Application Requirements for incoming 9th graders:

  • Be a freshman at the beginning of the fall to enter the academy.
  • Have successfully completed Algebra I and met or mastered the Algebra I End-of-Course exam.
  • Have at least a combined average of 85% in Math, Science, Social Studies and English for 7th and 8th grade

Parent Information Meetings:

Application Process:

  • Interview Sessions
    • All qualified applicants will be required have a short interview with a designer in person
    • Two dates will be available for in-person interviews.
    • Link to sign up for interview will be sent 
  • Acceptance notifications will be emailed on  Friday, March 14, 2025 at 4:30 pm.
  • Parents must respond to invitation if their learner will be accepting their invitation to enroll at Frontier STEM Academy March 28, 2025 at 4:30 pm.
  • A welcome meeting for all incoming freshmen leaners will be held in May 2025.  More information will follow.
  • A STEM Bootcamp will be required for all incoming Frontier STEM Academy learners. The bootcamp date is: 

Current 9th or 10th Graders:

Application Requirements for current 9th graders:

  • Have successfully completed Algebra I and met or mastered the Algebra I End-of-Course exam.
  • Have at least an 85% average in Math, Science, Social Studies and English for 8th and 9th grade.
  • Currently enrolled in Geometry.

Application Requirements for current 10th graders:

  • Have successfully completed Algebra I and met or mastered the Algebra I End-of-Course exam.
  • Have at least an 85% average in Math, Science, Social Studies and English for 9th and 10th grade.
  • Currently enrolled in Algebra II.

If you are interested in attending Frontier STEM Academy and currently in 9th or 10th grade, please click here to complete an interest form. Once the form is received, a Frontier counselor will contact you within 3-5 business days with more information.